Probably I did not mention here, in my blog, that I grown up a little bit more and become interested in politics. The reason for this was war in Georgia as I had already planned a trip to Tbilisi. The news about war was kinda suprising, but I had to follow in order to decide whether cancel my trip in October.
As it appeared after 2 weeks of following the events, probably it's easier to cancel the trip, loose money and gain more safety :) However, the interest to global politics did not dissapear. The fact that I opened to my self just in a few days or week was that a dirty games are played just in front of the world's eyes, but 'independent' global mass media was reluctant. Not all, not everywhere, not all the time, but most of the time. It was like you are reading the news and you don't get what's going on in reality. I became very dissapointed by this fact as I trully believed that politics is more transperant, clear and less corrupted then 'in our yard'. However, I was really shocked. In case if you are the person who perceives all information coming from mass media as a real thing, true and only true as our global democracy sure doesn't lie to it's people (and there such people), then you are stuck: you become an ideal citizen which current democracy is trying to form. Chinese are very good example of citizens that current government would like to see: silent, hard-working and 'eating' all the stuff that is given to them without questioning.
However, if you are an advanced user (usually inteligent ones) and the questions like 'that's too simple' or 'that's absurd' come to your mind while reading/watching news, you may start wondering what's in the world is going on and where is the truth, real motives. The truth is hidden or it's there, but hidden under some other more harsh events (war, terrorism). So, what's the point :) and it's quite funny actually, as I found a company, Stratfor, that is selling already filtered news with some analisys of event done by professionals, probably constantly tracking events in the world. That's an interesting situation of doing double job: somebody is paying the money to hide something, the other are getting the money for revealing something that is hidden. And that is called free-market :) Nice...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Off-topic: Political rubbish
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nice revelations (: the world is crazy. sunku net isivaizduot kiek visko dedasi po pavirsium, brr
beje, ne visai i tema, bet jei dar nori paranojos kad nuolat esi stebima, labai rekomenduoju knyga "The traveler", autorius John Twelve Hawks
:)) as nieko pries kad mane stebi, as tik noriu laisvai mastyt siuo momentu. Ir deja kartais tenka pasijusti lyg kaip pries kelis tukstancius metu verge (aisku netiesiogiai, su tam tikria pasitobulinimais :) ).
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