After not able to deal with a French strike, another approach was taken - have a lunch and visit beach in Antibes! And it appears that it's already summer, people are swimming and so on. A short photo-report from Antibes :)

My meal, Crêpes avec Saumon

Macro experiment - ice in the glass
Who was feeding us this time..

Yachts getting ready for summer season
The last is special :) Do you see who is inside? That is a really horrible thing... I saw it in action! To start moving, the auto-ecole got about 2 meters back. I can imagine the stress of the car from behind... Does a woman can really teach another woman how to drive?!

Deux femmes à Auto-ecole
I think you allready answered the question...
((: nevaryk ant moteru instruktoriu - manishke tai tikrai superine buvo, ir labai normaliai bendravom. siaip dazniausiai instruktores yra bobos su kiaushais, todel kaip ir viskas tvarkingai ((:
pavydziu vasaros.. nors svedai ir prie +15 jau gula ant pievos ir deginas atseit.
As tikiu, kad jos su kiausais :) tiesiog pati isivaizduoji kaip atrodo kai pamatai toki regini
O del vasaros - tai cia viena diena tokia ir tebuvo :D Lyja cia Saharos lietus dabar kasdien.
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