I know, I know... I kinda promised some stuff about American food, but there's just too much stuff at the moment to write about. So, during the weekend we had unbelievable trip through western national parks of USA like Death Valley, Mohave desert, Sequoia, Joshua tree. And it's easier to show some pictures then to describe anything :) And this time I had somebody to take pictures of me :) Big thanks!
Also, after some time of hesitation I have purchased a new instrument for macro - Tamron 90mm macro. It suites well for pictures from the car as it has F2.8 and also is perfect for portraits. However, I was unlucky to find any suitable infrared filters, which is strange. Will try next time :)
Bad water, Death Valley, CA ("Below sea level")
Blooming cactus, Death valley, CA
Exploring off-roads, Death Valley, CA
Testing new macro lens, Mohave desert, CA
Object for testing :)
"Working" down the Grand Canyon, AR
Old corvette on Route 66, AR
Until the sunset
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
West American national parks
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Ziuriu smagu ten uzu Atlanto :)
Aha, jauciuos kaip koks explorer'is atrades naujas zemes :) O is tikro as tik nepasakoju apie Pshekus-turistus, kuriuos sutinku (tikrai nemeluoju) bet kurioj savo kelionei.
mmmmm... noriu! (: baltai pavydziu, tikrai. guodzia tik tai kad mano moksle gana daug konferenciju vyksta uz atlanto tai gal ir man kada pavyks ten nusigaut.. ech..
labai fainos tavo nuotraukos, didzioji explorere ((:
Tai viskas tada aisku Shiny, pirmas straipsnis bus rasomas i konferencija vakarinei pakrantei ;) Bonne chance!
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