A bug on the 'beach'
This particular bug somehow reminded me that it can also exist in our software! How annoying they sometimes are...
Monday, March 31, 2008
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tautieciai + google
Visgi lietuviai pavaro besinaudodami google :) Perziurejau keyword'u sarasa statcounter'yje ir prisizvengiau, taigi pasidalinu juoko doze:
- fignia
- fuflo
- veda gera
- tikrina vaziuojant per sienas
- as vaziuoju
- kiek prancuzijoj zmoniu
- zodzio parfumerie reiksme
- keptos france
- cepelinai iš krakmolo
- bulviu
- kaip atrodo bulve
- pomidorai montecarlo
- pomidorai meran
- daug alaus foto
- oracle spalvos
Foto su daug alaus as ir pati noreciau :) O oracle man matyt tik su www.oracle.com ir tegali asocijuotis. Bendrai prisiminiau, jog visai neseniai gi cepelinus valgiau! Ogi ta paskatino didelis noras ir neitiketina bulviu kaina: 10kg - 1.69 euro. Pavaisinau kaimyne vokiete su jos draugu prancuzu :) Visi gyvi ir labai dziaugesi tradiciniu padazu prie cepelinu. Beje, bulves cia ypac krakmalingos, todel pasidaryt cepeliakus is zaliu bulviu nesukelia problemu. Dar pasirodo Vokietyjoje yra panasus patiekalas, tik su slyva viduj. Na, daug proto nereikia, kad vietoj slyvos idet mesos :)
O dar :) uzkliuvo "vyno tauriu parduotuve" keyword'as, kuris nejuokingas, bet primine kaip teko Vilniuj paciai jos gerokai paieskot. Apsistojau ties Universaline parduotuve, kur pirmam auskte galima rasti dideli stiklo dirbiniu pasirinkima. O jau tauriu ten kiek nori ir dar galima po 1-a pirkti!
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
National museum of Modern Art
The best museum I've visited in Paris was museum of Modern Art (cool site of the museum, with a real look of it). If I ever be visiting Paris once again, I will defenetly next time visit museum of science (Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie). Now I present probably illegal pictures of it as almost every visitor was making them.
A modern corridor of the museum
Modern room with no windows
Also, lot's of really strange and interesting ideas are gathered inside the museum. It is quite big and takes several hours to pass through it. The impressive pieces of art can be found there: painting painted only with black color, another was only with dark blue color, paintings with color selection tool like in Windows Paint (small squares with various colors), big red sculpture of hippopotamus, impressive paintings of Salvador Dali and etc.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A capital of love
Recently I was visiting a capital of love (and continue living in capital of perfume :) ). As a proof, I uploaded two traditional pictures of Paris. But they were taken from hands :) The Chappell was lighten enough, but neither tripod, neither rock were found on top of the Triumph Arc.
I will tell one good thing about my trip as a tip, which I discovered by accident. I was visiting Paris at the beginning of March for a week-end and it appeared that a number of museums are free to enter during the first Sunday of each month. As for off-season time like November-March, the list of free museums is expanded. However, the museum of Science, which is in the list of must-see, isn't one of them.
Eiffel tower, Paris
Sainte Chappell, Paris
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Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Portrets of parisian Pigeons
Continuing the theme of animals. This time only urban, though.
...will continue with parisian fountains :)
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