Yesterday I was visiting National Park of Mercanture. I took a walk for 5 hours and got about 600m higher. On the first pass the hight was 2474m, Col de Fenestre. And another pass - 2448m, Pas des Landres. After this kind of walk you fill fully rested after working for a week ;)
Here are some picture: pictures
Monday, August 20, 2007
Madone de Fenestre, Parc National du Mercantour
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Vence - Coursegoule - Bouyon - Les Ferres - Roquesteron - Gilette
On 12th of August I had a trip to mountains once again, this time I had my camera working. Here are some moments from that trip:
Address:I want to emphasize that among those towns I've seen, better impression was in Roquesteron (with a blue river, 3 pic.), Gilette (a pass between mountains and valley, 6 and 8 pic.) and Gattières.
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Lastly, I am ready to speak about cheeze... :) Cause yesterday I found really great one! And the name is... REQUEFORT! The reason I bought it is because of the name, which reminds me Chip & Dale animations from my childhood. However, I decided this time do not try to save some money on that and buy a better one, so 1kg is about ~17 euros. However I found it such unbelievable, fresh, gorgeous and so on and so on, a taste that makes you want one more little peace to melt in your mouth :) Really! One of the best!
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Really French moments...
This picture, which can be seen everymorning through my window, reminds me that I am in France :) How do you feel about it?
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Fixing a fixed line
For the last 2 weeks I was trying to connect to Neuf internet provider. To do that I have to get the fixed line from France Telecom. And to connect to Neuf - you need whether to call them, or make the requeset on the internet. So, it's sounds very easy and promising. However, for the turning the fixed line on - 55 euros, the line doesn't work, and the guy that tested the line called me and tried in french explain something. Lastly, I was told to check electricity, but my landlady called once more France Telecom and asked them to arrive to find the reason, couse if the reason would be electricity - please pay another 100-200 euros :) Ok, lastly guy camed to my little housy and with a rocket's speed started to test everything. At the end to found out that to fix it, he has to climb this electricity pillar - I couldn't stop myself from not taking a picture to remember that precious moment :) ...when french people lastly made the line work.
It took 2 weeks... Second 2-3 weeks Neuf is going to establish their services for my line. The good news is that I will get not only Internet connection, but ~70 TV channels, free phone calls in Europe fixed lines and quite good Internet speed :)
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Today is not best of mine, but some little tricky things still can make a little bit better - having a dairy-blog is another project in your life. If you have no time, keep it simple and short, but daily - for yourself, family and memories.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Gréolières - Saint Auban - La Sarge - Castellane
Mano vidutinis greitis - 70 km/val...
Mano megstamiausios pavaros - 2 ir 3...
Ryte as dar buvau keliu simtu metru aukstyje - namie ar darbe, o dabar as esu 1300m...
Langai pilnai atidaryti ir vejas kedena man plaukus...
Mano player'is groja Batukada ir kalnu masyvai supa mane...
As vaziuoju ir ziuriu tik i miesteliu uzrasus ir kalno keliais seku kitas masinas, taip vaziuodama pati nezinodama kur vaziuoju...
Galiausiai bepersekiojant viena is masinu as patenku i La Sarge. Keliukas, vedantis tenais, yra tiesiog fantastinis... serpantinas uz serpantino... ant kiekvieno as vaziuoju geriausiu atveju 2 greiciu, arba pirmu ir jauciu, kaip mano 'bolidas' netraukia... bet visgi tai yra didziulis kaifas kalnuose, serpantinai, slystancios padangos ir vejas... Taigi, tam miestes yra l. mazas, atvaziavus, as nuvaziavau i pati jo sirdi, kur vietinis gyventojas man paaiskino, kad sioje siaurioje gatveleje man visgi teks apsisukt ir vaziuot atgal, nes toliau kelio nera. Na... kadangi kelias buvo vienas is smagiausiu, ne taip ir nuliudau.
Gréolières-Les Neiges - slydinejimo rojus ir tik 40km nuo Sophijos - vasara gi pakilus taip aukstai matosi didziuliai kalnu masyvai, jauciamas saltas vejas ir karsta saule. Gamta ten ispudinga ir issiskyrianti nuo kitu vietu sitam regione.
Demandolx ir kelias toliau ties Castellane - ispudingas reginys besileidziant nuo 1300m, nes atsiveria neitiketino zydrumo ezerai su keliais palei juos... Castellane - senas miestas, kuris apsuptas akmeniniais kalnais, kazkuom primenantis Rio-De-Zhaneiro, nes ant vieno skardzio stovi kryzius, kuris matosi is bet kurios vietos miestelyje.
Kelias, vedantis atgal i Grasse, yra pakankamai aukstai kalnuose, kas atveria nemazai geru vaizdu. Kulminacija yra tada, kai privaziuoji prie Grasse ir matai visa pakrante su daug namuku, apgyvendintais kalnais, jura, Kanus...
P.S. Fotiko batarkes buvo mirusios, net nzn kodel... bet foto nera :(
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Friday, August 3, 2007
Prapuolus as cia ziuriu ilgam buvau :) Ir manau dar busiu, kadangi pirmai pasitaiko Harry Potter knyga, atsiusta draugo per skype'a, poto darbai uzgriuvo, o poto jau ir persikraustymas ivyko (pagaliau IVYKO). Beje, persikrausciau sekmingai, bet su nemazai streso :) Nes kai atvaziavau su daiktais sutartu laiku, nieko neradau ir poto visa diena negalejau prisiskambint. Tai turiningai praleidau ta diena :) Bet anyway, viskas jau praejo, atejo nauja diena, kai namie jau yra net elektra, o darbe...
...taigi, darbe ivyko pirmoji vagyste. Man sake, kad taip atsitinka kitiems, kad butelius, kuriuos tu palieki darbe (nesvarbu net ant stalo ar stalciuje), jie dingsta per nakti..... Kraupu ir baisu, kai ateini ryte ir neturi is ko atsigert vandens. Kadangi cia karsta, to vandens tikrai nemazai yra isgeriama per diena. O vaiksciot su stikline pirmyn atgal irgi nekas, todel ir naudojami buteliai.
Del sitos galimybes mane perspejo ir kazkaip visa menesi viskas buvo tvarkoje, iki sio ryto :) Bet viskas nebutu taip baisu, jei apsietu buteliu. Ant mano stalo taip pat buvo kelios plastmasines stiklines, is kuriu as gerdavau ta vandeni ir svarbiausias mano turimas artifaktas - Saukstelis! Jis irgi plastmasinis (atseit vienkartinis, bet istirkuju ne :) ), o svarbumas jo tame, jog as su juo pusryciauju kiekviena ryta. Ir aisku, atejus su kruva jogurtu ir si ryta ir neradus saukstelio... ne pati geriausia dienos pradzia. O su sauksteliais problema aplamai yra tame, kad jie cia l. brangiai kainuoja, aplamai visi irankiai cia daug kainuoja, vieno kaina pradedant 1.60eu. Tai taip sakant neuzsipirksi... Bet matyt, kad teks.
Kas liecia vagiu, tai it's ridiculous, vagys yra valytojos! Kurios neaisku kodel nusprendzia, kad butent situos daiktus reikia ismest, o stalo savininkas to padaryt matyt negali... Kas dar keisciau, jos tai ismeta tokius brangius daiktus, o pvz. kad stala nuvalytu, kuris jau pakankamai purvinas, tai to nepadaro. Kaip ir mano kolegei, ilgai nesiurbe po stalu, kol ji galiausiai nepaliko uzraso ant duru, kad issiurbtu :)
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